First, we are living in the society with high technology
skills. Technologies keep changed and people need to learn these new stuffs.
Especially for kids, they can learn quickly which means they spend less time
than adults because kids enjoy learning new skills about mobile devices.
Besides, the experiences that happened at childhood are strongly stamped into
their thinking. These experiences can be a property for them. Many companies
require these skills and learning these skills is difficult if people grow
older. In today's society, these skills are essential to learn, so children need to be friendly with these.
Second, mobile devices can be a useful tool for kids. I
would like to compare a mobile device with a book. The strongest advantage of a
mobile device is that it can contain videos, sounds, and real time information.
For sure, these contents are more effective to attract children in many ways. A
mobile device can be used for education, entertainment, communication, etc.
Attracting children to teach something is very difficult and this is why I
recommend children using mobile devices because it is easy and effective. Mobile devices can adrenalize children's curiocity easily and with parents' guide, it will make positive results.
Some people can criticize that mobile devices are not
good because these are so addictive. But we need to consider about this problem
in two ways. First, in many cases, children’s addiction is happened because of
parents’ indifference. A lot of parents let their children use these mobile
devices and don’t give any guide or restriction. Second, addiction can be
happened in various situations. Like I mentioned before, most part of children’s
addiction is parents’ fault. If parents don’t allow their children to use mobile
devices but keep having indifference, children can be addicted with anything
such as eating, spending money, gambling, etc.