Monday 21 April 2014

Do we allow children to use mobile devices?

            Today, a lot of people use a cellphone. A cellphone is taken an important part of our life style. Cellphone markets are increased rapidly and the average usage age of a cellphone is decreased.  Kids often use their cellphone (or other mobile machines) and parents worried about an indulgence phenomenon of using a cellphone. Do we need to stop children to use mobile devices? In my opinion, we should allow children to use mobile devices.
            First, we are living in the society with high technology skills. Technologies keep changed and people need to learn these new stuffs. Especially for kids, they can learn quickly which means they spend less time than adults because kids enjoy learning new skills about mobile devices. Besides, the experiences that happened at childhood are strongly stamped into their thinking. These experiences can be a property for them. Many companies require these skills and learning these skills is difficult if people grow older. In today's society, these skills are essential to learn, so children need to be friendly with these.
            Second, mobile devices can be a useful tool for kids. I would like to compare a mobile device with a book. The strongest advantage of a mobile device is that it can contain videos, sounds, and real time information. For sure, these contents are more effective to attract children in many ways. A mobile device can be used for education, entertainment, communication, etc. Attracting children to teach something is very difficult and this is why I recommend children using mobile devices because it is easy and effective. Mobile devices can adrenalize children's curiocity easily and with parents' guide, it will make positive results.
            Some people can criticize that mobile devices are not good because these are so addictive. But we need to consider about this problem in two ways. First, in many cases, children’s addiction is happened because of parents’ indifference. A lot of parents let their children use these mobile devices and don’t give any guide or restriction. Second, addiction can be happened in various situations. Like I mentioned before, most part of children’s addiction is parents’ fault. If parents don’t allow their children to use mobile devices but keep having indifference, children can be addicted with anything such as eating, spending money, gambling, etc.
            Synthetically, mobile devices can affect in negative way for children such as addiction. However, it can be prevented by parents’ careful concern. I would like to focus on positive effects. If children use these mobile devices in right way under the appropriate control, nothing can be useful than these stuffs. To do that, Parents should set guidelines that children can accept logically, so among children and parents can be satisfied. Looking mobile devices carefully, control these well, and educate children. Attracting them with mobile devices to approach in educational way.

Monday 7 April 2014

Why a cellphone makes social issues

Today, our life is connected closely with cellphones. Cellphones changed our lifestyle in different ways with positive effects. However, some people still criticize cellphones make negative social issues that harass our daily life. Why do they argue about cellphones? We should consider three things: addiction, insomnia, and rudeness.

First, so many people are addicted to their cellphone. A cellphone is a multifunctional tool, so people can receive any information easily. It can be an advantage, but also it can be a disadvantage. Since people receive so much information via a cellphone, they never loosen their hands from it. Even though when people walk on the street, they always look their cellphone. For people like I mentioned, a cellphone is a sweet poison. They know it is not good, but they can’t control their usage.
Second, a cellphone can be a cause of insomnia. Let’s think about the mobility of a cellphone. Cellphones are getting smaller, and these have so many interesting functions like gaming, movies, web-surfing, etc. Result, people delay their bedtime and spend more time the using their cellphones. For sure, a later bedtime makes huge impacts the next day. For example, getting tired, decreasing efficiency, a dizziness, etc.
Third, people are being rude with their cellphones. Many people are using and focusing on their cellphones during they meet their friends or parents. For sure, they don’t notice what is wrong using their cellphones. It violates etiquette of conversation and it is a basic manner. Individualism also boosts this problem to today’s society. A thoughtless acting makes social ills rapidly.
A cellphone is important, and it helps to our social development like a catalyst.

However, many side effects, like addiction, insomnia, and rudeness.

With these problems, a cellphone can’t be a helpful tool anymore.

To prevent these side effects, we need an insight and discipline to use well.

An appropriate usage and judgment are the key to solve issues of cellphones.

Monday 17 March 2014

Apple vs. Mechanic foods

In cellphone market, so many cellphones are released with new featuring. Operating System (OS) in cellphone is also various like iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, etc. In this writing, I would like to compare between the biggest OS, iOS and Android, so people can notice that what is different between these two OS. This information will be helpful when people buy a new cellphone.

First, OS itself is difference. Thinking about a pencil and a pen is easy to understand. Both OS are used in cellphone to run it. However, both OS are based by different purpose. For iOS, it is developed for users to use easily. People always use cellphone in the same way. There are no difficulties from any differences. On the other hand, it limited user’s customizing. For example, iPhone users can’t customize their ringtone. It is not impossible thing, but it is too complicated. For Android, it forces to users to customize their cellphone themselves. Users might feel stress especially when they buy a cellphone and try to use it. However, Android is opened widely, so users can customize their cellphone. There is no limit if users have some abilities to customize it. If you more consider about customizing your cellphone, I recommend buying Android cellphone.

Second, a design of cellphones is different. For iOS, it is used for Apple products only such as iPhone, Mac, iPad, etc. These products are developed by one specific company. For sure, Apple’s products are well made with a good design, better technologies, etc., but users have no choice if they want to use iOS in other electronic machines. For Android, however, it is used for various products. Google, the developer of Android, open their source of Android, and they support their third-party development companies. In result, many companies use Android in their products, so users have many options to select a product in different models. It can be a positive feature, but it can be also a negative feature because the comparison target is too wide. If you are looking a cellphone to use easily, I recommend Apple products.

Third, an application market is different. For iOS, a company uses App Store to buy applications. For Android, a company uses Google Play to buy applications. Both markets are good, but the problem is that they are separate markets, so they can’t share buying history. For example, a user bought a $10 application in App Store for his or her cellphone. If he or she wants to use this application in another device other than iOS, he or she needs to pay twice. This compatibility makes many problems, especially today’s users because they use several electronic devices but the OS is different. They have a limit when they buy other electronic devices.

Two OS have different pros and cons. People can’t specify which OS is better. However, these OS are totally different to use. It effects to user’s usage tendency. Therefore, Users need to consider what do they want specific details, and which OS is more suitable for them. It is highly subjective, so users need their own thinking.

Monday 24 February 2014

            Today, a cellphone is popular, so everybody uses a cellphone everywhere. However, many people complain that hours of battery use is not enough. When consumers try to buy a cellphone, they significantly consider hours of battery use, so cellphone companies develop a better battery.
In this case, we can save more battery running time with three things – adjusting screen brightness, turning off unnecessary applications and functions, and I can assume that these tips will help save your battery much more.
            First, adjusting screen brightness is an easy way to save the battery efficiently. In Android cellphones, for example, screen brightness takes over 45% in the usage of the battery. This percentage means that screen brightness takes the most part of the battery usage. If a user sets
a cellphone as auto adjusting screen brightness, in most cases, a cellphone will be set to the highest brightness. However, it is unnecessary. 50~80% of a maximum brightness is enough to use. For sure, it really helps to save the battery and this is why a cellphone is automatically set a lowest brightness when it has less than 5% of the battery.
            Second, turning off unnecessary applications is also helpful to save the battery. In Android cellphones, for example, most applications are not turned off when a user clicks the home button. These applications need to turn off manually.
If a user lets applications run in the background, it keeps running and using more batteries.
The battery is wasted for nothing. Therefore, we need to turn off unnecessary applications.
            Third, turning off unnecessary functions is a good way to save the battery. All functions in a cellphone require more battery usage. For example, vibration, screen rotation, Bluetooth, etc. These functions are useful and sometimes we need these functions. However, we really don’t need to turn these on every time. It is similar as turning off unnecessary applications. Therefore, we need to turn off unnecessary functions to save more battery.

     A cellphone is upgraded with technology and it takes an important part of our lifestyle. Even though a cellphone is getting better, the battery problem is always limited our cellphone usage. However, if cellphone users remain these useful tips in their mind, they can use their cellphones longer. Reminding a small guideline can makes a big difference.